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Science-Technology Centre for Unmanned Systems

We are non-profit organization whose mission is development and dissemination of unmanned systems while keeping the safety standards.

Main business area

  • Research on unmanned systems
  • Implementation of innovative unmanned systems
  • Certification
  • Training of UAV Operators
  • Coordination and execution of Cluster’s of Unmanned Systems objectives
  • Organization of reccuring event Dron Show Rzeszów
  • Conducting classes, conferences, exhibitions related to unmanned systems and safety performance of flights

Our projects

Cluster of Unmanned Systems

gather companies from unmanned systems and related sectors.

Drone Space Valley

On a daily basis, we carry out advanced research and development projects, produce engineering solutions, and provide services using unmanned aircraft and satellites


Follow our latest projects and initiatives

UAVO Trainings

designed for those who want to obtain a pilot qualification certificate for an unmanned aerial vehicle.

Official LinkedIn Blog

A good dosage of knowledge about the law and trends.


Actual information about our activities.

Contact us


Science-Technology Centre of Unmanned Systems
ul. Rejtana 23/1.2a,
35-326 Rzeszów

Phone: +48 570 876 007

Company registered in the Register of Entrepreneurs
by the District Court for Rzeszow City, XII Commercial Division
KRS 0000569328
NIP 8133707582
REGON 362302491

Contact form

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